Parent Stuff

Dr. Greenfield is a father of three children. He and our team members understand kids. We also know how, as a parent, you want the very best for your child’s health and future. You can rest assured, at Lake Orion Family Dentistry, your children will feel loved and safe. We’ll consult with you, teaching you how to encourage good oral health habits in your little ones and your teens. Your questions will always be met with practical, informative answers.

Children should come to a parent’s dental visit when they’re about a year old. This first visit acclimates a child to the sounds, smells, look, and people of the dental office. Regular, six-month visits for a child should begin around age two, but if you notice any oral health problems at any time in your child, come in for a chat and quick check with Dr. Greenfield.

We offer checkups, cleanings, and restorative dental care for children from about one year of age through adolescence and the teen years. Our hope is that we can provide general dental care for your family from the time your children are very small until they reach adulthood. We value personal relationships with our patients and would like to become your preferred dental care provider.

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In most cases, we can care for all of a child’s dental needs in our office. For restorative procedures that can be stressful, we offer nitrous oxide. In some situations, children need a specialist, in which case, we’ll refer you to a respected pediatric dentist in the area.

Great Resources For Parents:

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