Archive for ‘Healthy Living’

April 25, 2014

Choosing the Right Toothbrush

ToothbrushesYou already know that you should brush your teeth at least twice a day, especially 30 minutes after eating. However, did you know that selecting the right toothbrush can be nearly as important as choosing to brush at all? The wrong one could damage your dental enamel and irritate your sensitive gum tissue. With so many toothbrushes available, a trip to the drug store can turn into a daunting experience. How will you know which device is the right one for you or for your child? In this post, your Lake Orion, MI family dentist explains the different types of toothbrushes and how to select the right one for optimal oral health.

February 28, 2014

All Flash and No Floss?

Pretty Brunette Flossing Her TeethAccording to the American Dental Association (and every dentist you’ve ever met), flossing is the best, most effective way to remove food particles and harmful plaque from between your teeth. Yet, despite the importance of this practice, only 50.5% of Americans floss every day. Some people feel they’re simply too busy to floss or don’t credit flossing with much consequence. However, some people don’t floss because physical or psychological concerns prevent them from handling traditional floss properly. Handheld water flossers provide an easy-to-use alternative for people who have trouble flossing, but which variety should you choose and is the investment worth it in the first place?


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