If you’re anxious or afraid of the dentist, if you have a sensitive gag reflex or trouble holding your mouth open for extended periods, or if you need extensive dental work but simply don’t have the time to come in for multiple appointments, you might make a good candidate for sedation dentistry. These sedation techniques help patients achieve appropriate levels of relaxation in a safe and effective manner. Today, we’re taking a look at what you can expect when you opt for dental sedation.
Before, During, After: A Sedation Dentistry Timeline
Why are You Afraid of the Dentist?
As your next routine dental checkup approaches, do you feel calm and unconcerned or does your chest clench every time you glance at the calendar? If visiting the dentist makes you deeply uncomfortable, you’re not alone. Experts estimate that 35-40 million Americans suffer from dental fear or anxiety. As you’ll learn in today’s blog, the impetus for developing a fear of the dentist can range from past experiences to control issues.