For patients who have been seeking a dental office that offers holistic dentistry, take care to visit Lake Orion Family Dentistry. Our dental practice serves patients regardless of age; plus, the procedures and treatments each classify as holistic. Dr. Brad Greenfield, your Lake Orion, MI dentist, explains how holistic dentistry began.
Holistic Dentistry is a Recent Method of Treatment
Between the 19th and 20th Century, Dr. Weston A. Price noticed the effects of sugar upon both teeth and the human body. He discovered that sugar not only leads to tooth decay, it can also negatively affect your bodily systems. This is when the first connection between the body and dental work was made.
Later in 1978, a group of dentists in search for a better method of dentistry congregated to discuss how dental work could become more beneficial for the patient. The dentists considered every aspect of dentistry and concluded that, generally speaking, dental work proved most effective when patients had oral ailments. In other words, a dentist usually only cared about resolving the specified problem before moving onto the next patient. As way to change that style of treatment, the Holistic Dental Association (HDA) was formed.
How Does Holistic Dentistry Differ from Traditional Dentistry?
Traditional dentistry is about the removal of oral infections, diseases, and illnesses. With preventative dentistry, the dentist is simply anticipating the possibility of oral ailments. On the other hand, holistic dentistry focuses on the body as a whole. If oral illnesses don’t arise, then the body won’t have to endure treatments. In holistic practices, the dentists only uses treatment methods that will heal your mouth as it benefits your body. Your Lake Orion, MI dentist uses these same principles in his own dental office.
By offering his patients metal-free, biocompatible materials and procedures, Dr. Greenfield is choosing to make dental work safer, yet still effective.
Cleaner, Safer Dentistry is Available at Lake Orion Family Dentistry
If your interested in learning more about holistic dentistry, visit Dr. Greenfield. He can explain why he chooses to practice holistic dentistry and the many benefits of this types of dentistry. To schedule an appointment with our Lake Orion, MI dental practice, call (248) 693-6213. Also, visit our website for services, patient forms, and smile gallery. We happily serve patients in Clarkston, Auburn Hills, Oxford, Rochester Hills, and neighboring communities.
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